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D9.1 SHIPLYS dissemination strategy

D9.1 SHIPLYS dissemination strategy

Executive summary


The main purpose of dissemination is to raise public awareness of the SHIPLYS project aims, developments and results. This deliverable presents initial planned dissemination activities to be implemented by all project partners in order to broadcast the objectives and results of the project both internally, among partners and externally, to a wider scientific and technical audience and interested parties. 

Aims and Objectives

In accordance with the project`s DoW, main objectives of the Dissemination strategy include a plan for: 

  • Dissemination of the project results to all relevant stakeholders and a wider shipbuilding community, in a targeted way, providing easy access to relevant information
  • Maximising benefits of the project results for all partners involved through dissemination and exploitation of the software tools, and technical/academic publications

Summary of the results

A first step in raising public awareness of the SHIPLYS project was made through the launching of an official project website and the setting up of a collaborative document repository. Also, the first project press release was created and sent to a vast number of major maritime web portals and magazines, resulting in several on-line articles and magazine publications presented in the following sections of the report. 

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