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Holistic Ship Design Workshop

Holistic Ship Design Workshop

31 May 2018

A Joint Workshop of the EU funded projects HOLISHIP, SHOPLYS and LINCOLN

31 May 2018 Brussels Belgium

In the frame of the call H2020-MG.4.3-2015: System modelling and life-cycle cost and performance optimisation for waterborne assets, three projects were approved for funding but the EU, namely HOLISHIP, SHIPLYS and LINCOLN. The aim of the workshop was to update each other and and the EU/INA representatives about progress 18 months into the projects, trying to identify common objectives and any areas for possible collaboration. Attendants of the workshop were project coordinators, work package leaders and experts from the 3 projects and EU/INEA representatives.

Shiplys Midterm Review Picture 1
Holistic Ship Design Workshop group
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SHIPLYS, HOLISHIP and LINCOLN project coodinators with the Project Officer
Shiplys Midterm Review
SHIPLYS, HOLISHIP and LINCOLN project coodinators with the workshop coordinator